martes, 7 de enero de 2014

VIALS OF WRATH interveiw (USA, Black Metal)

Well, here we have the very first interview of 2014! was amazing to know something about this one-band (DC Mills) that has more to show to us this year!

1 - Thank you so much for your time, well, how did you initiate in Black Metal? Who was your inspiration to play?

I've always been into heavy, extreme music - since I was a teenager. I began listening to thrash, then death metal, and finally discovering black metal. My brother and I started a death metal band called Endless Descent in the late 90's that was very similar to older Morbid Angel and Deicide in style. Needless to say, I was not a Christian back then, and our music dealt with demonic and misanthropic themes. As we got deeper into the scene, we picked up some of the early black metal releases by Emperor, Satyricon and Burzum. These bands were fresh and exciting to us, and heavily influenced our sound. There was a drastic difference from our first EP to the second as we focused much more on atmosphere and brought keyboards fully into the mix.
I would have to say the above mentioned bands were my earliest inspiration, along with many others. What started with Gothenburg bands such as In Flames and At The Gates ended up with other, much darker acts like Ancient, Old Man's Child and The Abyss (a side project of Hypocrisy's Peter Tachtgren). There were so many more I really can't recall them, as I've tried to distance myself from all of the satanic and overtly evil bands.

2 - What is the mission of Vials Of Wrath?

It's the culmination of many years of listening to extreme music and my passion for writing and recording. So in that respect, it's a creative outlet for me. But because of God's blessings and intervention, there's been much more.
I've received many messages from fans who tell me it has blessed them to have a Christian alternative to secular music. Others have told me it gives them inspiration. Knowing this, and seeing God open doors for my music to literally be heard around the world, is awesome and motivating to say the least. So as it has blessed others, I'm also blessed in the opportunity to share it.

3 - If you have any, what is the Biblical reference that will describe the music that you play?

There are several, but one that has affected me most is Luke 5:16 - "And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed." (in reference to Christ.)
Over the last several years, I've found myself becoming more intent on being alone to meditate on the Word and pray - especially in the quiet surroundings of God's creation. If Christ often did so in the scriptures, it must be very beneficial to us as well.
I was raised in the Appalachian mountains, and after several years of living in the city, found myself wanting to return to living in the mountains again – which I again do after moving in 2012. Doing so has revitalized me and influenced my song writing. I now hope to create an atmosphere of worship and a sense of being in the wilderness, in relation to the above verse.

4 - Was it hard playing all the instruments on the first albums that you recorded?

In a way, but not as much as I had anticipated. I've played guitar since I was 16, so adding bass was not too hard. Writing the keyboard parts was a little more challenging. However, I'm definitely not a drummer. So I had to rely on using drum loops and samples (and still do). Eventually I'd like to use real drums, or bring in a session drummer, but my writing/recording process would probably make that a little difficult.

5 - What involves the name of the band?

I'm fascinated with end-times prophecy and revelations.
In reading my Bible one day, I found Rev. 16:1, which states: "And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth."
When I originally started this project, I was going to focus most of my lyrical themes on God's wrath and end times events. However, after my first EP, I quickly realized this was not "my calling." Having already established an identity as Vials of Wrath, and also having such a recognizable logo by Christophe "Lord of the Logos" Szpajdel, I decided to keep the name.

6 - What is the best, for you to be a Christian man and metal fan?

Although the world sees this as a contradiction, I've found they go hand-in-hand rather nicely.
Metal music can be very extreme and aggressive, or moody and melodic. Being a Christian in today's world (or pretty much any other time), also lends itself to emotions that translate well into metal music. We often experience feelings of aggression because of our faith. We're called extreme - sometimes fanatics. There's great joy in knowing salvation, sorrow in our repentance, and awe in God's grace and presence. Metal music, in the form I hope to convey, expresses these feelings and more.

7 - Are you recording a new album? What can we expect on that album?

Yes, I'm constantly writing and recording, and hope to have enough material ready for a full album in the fall of 2014. Until then, I may release a couple of the songs on some compilations or a split EP.
So far, the songs are pretty similar to the path I started down on "Seeking Refuge." I have a few themes, or concepts, in mind that I'm trying out, but haven't nailed down yet. In my mind, I would like to look at what happens after I've found "refuge." Once God has revealed Himself, what happens next? How does this affect my life? Just a thought…

8 - In your country, how have the people received your music?

Fairly well, but getting exposure in the U.S. has actually proven to be a little more difficult than in other countries. I think it's because metalcore and deathcore are the mainstream now - at least within the Christian scene. However, those who have heard my music tend to be very favorable in their opinion of it.
I've been told I'm treading new ground within the Christian metal scene with this style - mixing shoegaze elements similar to Alcest and Les Discret with more traditional black metal. Vials of Wrath has been compared to Wolves In The Throne Room and Agalloch as well, mostly due to the lyrical content and imagery of "Seeking Refuge" I would imagine, but I'm actually flattered by such comparisons since I think very highly of these bands and admire their styles. But sadly, none of these bands seem to be very well-known within the Christian metal community.

9 - Is there anything else that you would like to say as we close?

Just that I really appreciate the opportunity to discuss my music, and hope and pray it blesses those who take the time to check it out!
Thanks and God bless!

lunes, 6 de enero de 2014

BLOODGOOD "Dangerously Close"

A mi parecer, Bloodgood siempre me ha gustado un poco mas que Stryper, pero es opinión personal. Ahora, desde 1993 hasta el año 2013 que decidieron unir a su alineación al guitarrista de Stryper, Oz Fox, presentan un material, bastante conservador pero renovado. Su sencillo "Lamb Of God" demuestra que conservan el eslogan de Metal Missionaries (que fue el nombre de su primer demo en 1984) y no dejan dudas, que a pesar de la edad, pueden seguir demostrando la fe y la fuerza que tienen en llevar siempre el mensaje.
La excelente voz de Les Carlsen, la guía melodica de Michael Bloodgood, la fuerza de Oz Fox y Paul Jackson y la base musical de Mark Welling traen a nosotros "Dangerously Close".

Twiter - @bloodgoodband
Facebook -

domingo, 5 de enero de 2014

Light In The Darkness, "Nemesis Divina"

Basically, I think that as christians, we have to know and be aware why we listen to this kind of music. This video, will shows to all the world who we are, and why we are christians, why we decided listen to Metal music and to praise a GOD who always is beside us. Please, watch this video and take a moment to think about your beliefs (where is your heart, where is your mind).

"There is only one GOD, and he accepts Gentiles as well as Jews, simply because of their faith." 
(Romans 3: 30 CEV)

Básicamente, pienso que como cristianos debemos de estar consientes de que tipo de música escuchamos. Este vídeo, demostrara al mundo quienes somos y porque somos cristianos, porque decidimos escuchar música metal y alabar a un DIOS que siempre esta a nuestro lado. Por favor, vean este vídeo y tomen un momento en pensar en sus creencias (donde esta su corazón y su mente).

"Hay un solo DIOS, y es el DIOS que acepta a todos los que confían en JESUCRISTO, sean judíos o no lo sean." 
(Romanos 3: 30 TLA)

sábado, 4 de enero de 2014

GRIM "Vespers"

Y bien, después de casi catorce años de ausencia, vuelve este proyecto solista GRIM (God Rules In Metal) con un álbum totalmente fresco y también algo diferente al Black Metal tradicional. Como siempre Thomas Eversole ejecuta todos los instrumentos, con excepción de las voces, que si bien prestan atención, no son comunes en el Black Metal, pero que bien, le dan ese toque único a este álbum. 
Cuarenta y cinco minutos de arte que no se pueden dejar pasar por alto ya que el álbum esta a un precio accesible.

viernes, 3 de enero de 2014

MENSAJE - Enero 2014

Mis lagrimas son pan de día y de noche, mientras me echan en cara "¿Donde está tu Dios?" (Salmos 42:3 NVI)

¿Quien no ha tenido un momento como este en su vida? que lo único que se siente, cuando solamente lo que sobra en tu cuarto... ¡es dolor! Dolor por un problema o circunstancia, que supuestamente no tiene solución.
Desesperación, angustia, ansiedad, soledad, un dolor incontrolable, no hay una salida ¿porque paso esto? ó ¿para que esta pasando esto? Incesantes preguntas y pensamientos que se sienten cuando se esta deprimido.

Permite que mi oración llegue a tu presencia; ¡Presta atención a mis ruegos! Sufro tantas calamidades que estoy al borde de la muerte. (Salmos 88:2-3, TLA)

¿Quien no se ha sentido así? ¿A quien no le parece familiar este sentir? Un sentimiento de tristeza que provoca deseos de morir. He escuchado por ahí, que no podemos sentirnos deprimidos, y como seres humanos, es de lo mas normal sentirse asi, ¡De veras! pero, no debe ser lo habitual en nuestra vida, y por cierto, sentir que Dios no nos escucha, no hay nadie que no lo haya sentido antes.

Llámame y te responderé. Te haré conocer cosas maravillosas y misteriosas que nunca has conocido. (Jeremías 33:3, TLA)

Pero la tonta costumbre que tenemos, ¡queremos toda respuesta enseguida! en este mismo instante. Por el dolor que sentimos, no queremos una respuesta con proceso, pero si hasta cuando nos hacen preguntas o nos piden un favor o consejo... ¿o no tomamos tiempo para pensar lo que vamos a responder o decir pues?

Tardara un poco en cumplirse, pero tu no desesperes; aun no ha llegado la hora de que todo esto se cumpla, pero puedo asegurarte que se cumplirá sin falta. (Habacuc 2:3, TLA)

ÉL sabe como nos sentimos, sabe que deseamos, ¡sabe por lo que pasamos! y por ello, me atrevo a decir ¡NO DEJÉS QUE TU FE Y ESPÍRITU SE PUDRAN! Todas las situaciones y problemas que pasamos, tienen su respuesta a un tiempo predeterminado... sea en una hora, en un día, en una semana, en un mes, en un año, no importa cuando sea ¡NO TE PUDRAS! esperá y confiá.

jueves, 2 de enero de 2014

Una imagen para recordar.

Hace mucho tiempo atrás, había encontrado una "imagen" o "Collage" como este, en el que solo habían 4 bandas cristianas (eran solo bandas de Thrash Metal). Me da gusto ver que ahora alguien se tomo el tiempo de hacer una imagen, con bandas que han marcado el paso en la música Metal Cristiana. Me trae buenos recuerdos ver el nombre de bandas que no recordaba (y obviamente faltan muchas otras) pero si puedo ver que están unas cuantas de mis favoritas.

Si muchos de ustedes también tiene iniciativa de realizar algo, ¡no lo duden!, lleven esto en mente "En virtud del don que he recibido, me dirijo a cada uno de ustedes: no tengan pretensiones desmedidas,  más bien sean moderados en su propia estima, cada uno según el grado de fe que DIOS le haya asignado" Romanos 12: 3.
 Bendiciones en todo, y la otra semana, ya tendrán la siguiente entrevista, mas actualizaciones y muchas notas mas.